Postcard of BBC images designed by Heather Sieman

Postcard of BBC images designed by Heather Sieman

Welcome to all lovers of Elizabeth Gaskell's North and South!  Here you'll find engaging discussion on both the beautifully-developed love story as well as on the numerous social and moral issues Gaskell brings out in her work. This site is dedicated to all things related to North and South, with an occasional view of how its themes are also found in other Victorian literature and in real life.  

This is also a personal blog and website where I share my perspective of Gaskell's work based on my passionate study of the novel and my active engagement with other North and South fans these past ten years. I hope you'll find something here to spark your thought in new directions, to enhance your perspective, or to encourage you to read Gaskell's powerful book. 

            -- Trudy Brasure